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What has emerged from the graph

Now that the meaning of node size is sorted out, if we take a step back, we’ll be able to take a bird-view of the graph; it tells us very rich information on a few aspects, all at one glance:

1) The edges indicate which village(s) is linked to which destination(s)

2) Node size (weighted degree) indicate the frequencies of each village and destination

3) Combining the above two, the constellations of villages emerged showing similar migration patterns in terms of where the immigrants went. For example, the villages that sent immigrants to both Vancouver and Victoria are situated in the middle, whereas the villages connecting to a wider range of destinations are placed in the peripheral areas.

Isn’t this wonderful?

And what’s most thrilling is, a cluster of villages jumped out to me: these villages show similar migration patterns, they are connected to a relatively large number of destinations, and sent relatively more immigrants - could they be geographically close?

a popped out cluster